Solar Power for Cellular Base Station

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 , Posted by santosh at 1:55 AM

To expand the network provider to move the markets in which the solar energy level is more well, solar power is ready to play an important role in reducing the cost of services Cellular and ensure more reliable electricity supply.

Drive toward reducing base station power consumption, together with with improvements photovolataic cells, solar energy means that there is a solution that is now very excited to powering cellular base stations. Renewable energy for the site base station by the end of 2013 and the base station is expected to supplement on-grid with the use of solar electricity.

Solar power in the leading edge of energy in the drive to mobile phone network domain, but other interesting opportunities in the horizon. The power has in the potential areas that receive less solar energy, but less predictable. Fuel cells and compressed air hold significant promising for the long term.

It also considers the opportunity to integrate energy source into the main power source for cells site, with a focus on solar, wind and hybrid solutions combine update cells, grid-based electricity, diesel generation and battery banks.

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