Next Technology from HP and Microsoft

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 , Posted by santosh at 2:01 AM

Hewlett Packard (HP) and Microsoft work together developing cloud computing technologies. Both companies invested 250 million U.S. dollars to improve and simplify the technology services for businesses of all layers. "This agreement, which includes hardware, software, and services, will enable business customers to quickly optimize performance with the total cost as cheaply as possible," said Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft in a statement. Cooperation which was signed on January 13, 2010 it will be for three years. The next technology created by HP and Microsoft are the right steps to accelerate to the work of the users.

As the world's largest computer manufacturer, HP will participate in the design of data center infrastructure, applications and management tools. While Microsoft will do optimization software and services, such as Windows Azure and cloud computing platform with hardware, who made HP. "This collaboration will allow HP and Microsoft offer transformational technologies to our customers that will reduce costs, boost business growth, and accelerate innovation," said Mark Hurd, HP's CEO in a statement.

Some analysts and industry players believe cloud computing will be one of the trend in this 2010 year. With this platform, all services, applications, and data collected in a data center that can be accessed via the Internet so it can support the work anywhere and anytime. Applications do not need to be installed in every computer and unnecessary data capacity of large hard disk. With this technology, applications and storage can also be a service, so even small companies can enjoy the sophistication of the technology without having to implement it themselves which would require major investments.

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