Google reMail into Open Source Applications

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 , Posted by santosh at 1:28 AM

A few weeks ago, Google bought reMail, a popular iPhone application is pulled from Apple App Store. Today, Google is making the application is open source. "After looking at several options to make reMail available in several forms, we decided to make the code open source. Application is now available in the Google Code as reMail-iphone under the Apache 2.0 license," said Gabor reMail maker Cselle.

"Along with the many people who like mobile email, I hope the developers are interested in making contact with an email application and can use the code as a starting point reMail," said Cselle. Cselle has documented the source code so developers can quickly begin to develop ideas that they have. "If you love and want to develop reMail, I also include a list of several potential projects with tips that can be implemented," said Cselle.

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