Next Generation Technology IBM 8-Core Power7 Processor

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 , Posted by santosh at 1:58 AM

IBM's processor speed just grew stronger with the presence of next-generation technology of the eight core processors IBM Power7, which will compete with products made by Hewlett Packard and Sun Microsystems. In fact, each core is capable of executing four activities - commonly called thread - so this really one processor has 32 virtual cores.

The next technology that made the Power 7 is a combination of two IBM processor technology, the power with the Cell chip technology. Cell-based processor is also used for the various devices of Roadrunner super computer at Los Alamos National Laboratory to the PlayStation 3. "We took the essence of Cell program that helps the process of computation floating point and put it in the core Power7," said Bradley McCredie who is a member of the Systems and Technology Group of IBM.

Power7 designed to support the development of grid computing, computer circuit to double the speed of computing processes. This processor is offered in three classes each for the IBM Power 780 modular high-performance servers that support up to 64 cores, 770 Power for the middle class, and Power 755 for high performance computer clusters or high performance computing cluster (HPCC) with 32 cores.

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