Inter MSC Handover

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 , Posted by santosh at 2:25 AM

During the call MS possible to move between several different MSC. Here is the procedure handover inter MSC:

A). BSC to send a request to the MSC handover.

B). MSC must ask the MSC which will serve for the next MS.

C). The MSC will send a new request handover to the new BSC also.

D). BSC new request to activate the new BTS TCH.

E). MSC receive information about new TCH from the new BSC.

F). MSCS forward this information to the MSC long.

G). Talking point in the new setup by the MSC.

H). "Handover command message" sent to the MS with information about the frequency of information, timeslot used in the new cells.

I). MS send a handover to the new TCH. When the BTS to detect the handover, the BTS will send the information contains "Timing Advance" to MS.

J). The new MSC, informed that the handover has been successful, and this information is sent to the MSC long.

K). Point in the new GS set up in the MSC long, and calls can be made. TCH long will the disabled.

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