Car Dashboard Computer Connected to the Internet

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 , Posted by santosh at 2:00 AM

Manufacturers of cars and high-technology companies to find new places to put their powerful computers connected to the Internet, which is on the dashboard of the car. The idea of the next technology comes from Intel and Google, the center of their interest to change the desktop to the dashboard, hoping to bring the PC capabilities into the car. They saw a huge opportunity to benefit by working with car manufacturers, making the latest generation equipment, as written by the famous U.S. newspaper reports on his web site.

This Week in Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, the two companies are demonstrating the sailing device featuring 10-inch high-definition video, maps of three dimensional (3D), and web site pages. The first wave of "infotainment system", so that technology companies and car manufacturers say, will adorn the market this year. Together with the navigation feature in it which is one option cost, this new system will likely become standard equipment in cars. Although the manufacturer does not recommend watching the video driver or use other functions while the car drove, but the driver is still possible to see the content of the information covers a variety of restaurants and music albums with just the touch of a finger.

Equipment that can seize the driver's attention when his car control is a topic of conversation because it was feared would be the cause of the accident on the highway. However, high-tech companies and car manufacturers state that safety remains a priority. They said that they were making or working on technologies such as voice commands, so the screen can simultaneously display a map for the driver and the spectacle of the film in the passenger front seat, like the new Jaguar XJ. "We also want to make sure it is safe and secure. This is part of our DNA to the front," said director of engineering electrical and electronic systems in the car company, Ford.

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