Laptop Transparent AMOLED from Samsung

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 , Posted by santosh at 2:00 AM

Samsung made a breakthrough with the release of a laptop with a transparent AMOLED display view. Introduced at CES 2010, this transparent laptops will be sold starting next year. "We have a lab in Seoul, South Korea, who worked to bring a laptop with a material that made him transparent," explained Reid Samsung Electronics America.

"Soon, in the future we will create an audio-visual products with this technology. We want to be the first in the market," he added. In addition, Samsung laptop IceTouch technology also uses an MP3 player with a transparent screen two inches wide. Users can control the MP3 by knocking the screen, while a video display on the screen goes ahead. Samsung said the 14-inch screen is a transparent AMOLED prototype widest panel is the first time there. The next generation of samsung technology is still in development.

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